Many children seem to love collecting natural objects and mixing solid and liquid materials together. Here are some ideas for inviting play involving collecting and mixing:
Collect natural materials to mix soups, stews, and potions
Collect rocks, leaves, pinecones, stones, dandelions for creating patterns, chains, mandalas, collages and pictures
Create a natural habitat to support different types of bugs, then collect bugs to visit your habitat
Make rock collections to paint
Collect natural materials and do rubbings
Make a dandelion crown or jewellery
Create a science lab with different natural items to examine and sort by different categories
Put out different sized containers for storing collecting objects based on different characteristics (colour, size, use, etc.)
The Summer of Play project and the contents on this page are part of an initiative that grew out of the Canadian Association for Young Children. Please visit CAYC Saskatchewan on Facebook for more information: