Entrance: Free. All programming and events are free unless otherwise stated. Registration is required for virtual programs. Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible and completely stroller friendly Food: Feel free to bring your own food. There are bathrooms and sinks for hand washing, and tables for eating snacks. Washrooms: Washrooms and change tables available. Bus Routes: 1,2,5 Website: https://www.reginalibrary.ca/locations/regent-place
Note: This calendar is created by Project Play YQR, and therefore a third party outside of Regina Public Library. Though I have done my best to ensure the calendars are accurate, I take full responsibility for any errors. For last minute updates or cancellations, check the Regina Public Library Facebook pages.
To subscribe to this calendar: Go to Google Calendar on a browser. On the left-hand side click the three dots next to "add calendar" and select "from URL." Copy and paste this iCal URL: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/tcob8js1gcq3fslp6d8fj73fig%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics and hit "add calendar." Make sure the calendar is checked off, and you should be able to view events from this calendar! It will sync across devices for you.