Blocks and boxes provide a lot of opportunities for multi-age, open-ended play indoors or outdoors.
Paint your own blocks
Make houses or bridges or garages
Make balance paths
Build towers and houses and draw the shadows they make
Make stepping stones and play hot lava
What can you turn a box into?
Create different types of animal homes
Use markers or drawing materials or collage to make a rocket ship or a bus or anything fun to go inside of
Make a nature hiding spot by using natural materials and mud to decorate a box to match its natural surroundings
Make box print art
Use a small box (shoebox size) and make a diorama using found materials
Make an iced cream store or a lemonade stand using a box
The Summer of Play project and the contents on this page are part of an initiative that grew out of the Canadian Association for Young Children. Please visit CAYC Saskatchewan on Facebook for more information: