Entrance: Free Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible. Food: You may bring your own snacks. There are designated snack tables for eating and sinks for washing up. Washrooms: Washrooms and change tables available
The Regina Early Years Family Centre is free and open to public use. This is a beautiful, thoughtfully designed and well-maintained space to explore with children ages 6 and under. The EYFCs host both drop-in play sessions and wonderful programming. All programs are free unless otherwise specified. They are staffed with Early Childhood Educators and host visits from Public Health Nurses, Speech Language Pathologists, Triple P Practitioners (positive parenting experts), and more. The Early Years Family Centre is an amazing resource to have in our city. For more information, visit the Regina Children's Initiative website at www.reginakids.ca/regina-childrens-initiative.
3079 5th Avenue
Currently open for pre-registered programs only
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Go to Google Calendar on a browser. On the left-hand side click the three dots next to "add calendar" and select "from URL." Copy and paste this iCal URL: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/spebdpog4rm7sgj5q5oq153ud8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics and hit "add calendar." Make sure the calendar is checked off, and you should be able to view events from this calendar! It will sync across devices for you. Note: These calendars are created and maintained by Play YQR with permission from the Early Years Family Centres. They do not include any last minute cancellations or changes. For that information, please visit the Facebook page for the Early Years Family Centres.
To subscribe to this calendar:
Go to Google Calendar on a browser. On the left-hand side click the three dots next to "add calendar" and select "from URL." Copy and paste this iCal URL: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/22gnj5gdegmcatbi2h24ht8k4s%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics and hit "add calendar." Make sure the calendar is checked off, and you should be able to view events from this calendar! It will sync across devices for you. Note: These calendars are created and maintained by Play YQR with permission from the Early Years Family Centres. They do not include any last minute cancellations or changes. For that information, please visit the Facebook page for the Early Years Family Centres.