Project Play YQR hosts a book club. After surveying the people interested, we decided to have a casual online read along community (playismagicbookclub on Instagram), with in-person meetings/ celebrations once we are done reading the book. We have about 6 weeks to read each book with meetings every two months. Members are welcome to be as active in the community through comments, etc. as they like. Some people engage with every post, and many are simply reading along independently. Some people read along with some books and not others. It's quite relaxed. The meetings are all-ages, you can bring your own food, and there are no costs associated through entrance fees or requirement to purchase food or beverages. We are honoured that the Regina Public Library has recently partnered with us on this book club. They offer us a beautiful space and playful programming for children who attend our meetings. So far it has been great. Join us: Instagram:Playismagic
I am grateful for the support of a grant from TakingItGlobal, Government of Canada, and Canada Service Corps who have helped to provide food and books to members of the Project Play YQR book club. We are also grateful for the support from the Regina Public Library on this initiative.